Funded projects

Together with research and industry partners, we develop innovative components for fuel cells based on our own coating technology in funded and non-funded projects.

Here is an overview of our current and completed projects:

Ongoing projects


C4M (BMWK 2023-2026, FK: 03EI3079D): Simplified production of catalyst-coated membranes for highly efficient water electrolysis and fuel cells.


R2Stack (BMWK 2023-2025, FK: 03EN5031A): Process and equipment development for high-rate, roll-based CCM and MEA production including assembly for the manufacture of fuel cells.


I-skaB (BMDV 2022-2025, FK03B11033E): Innovative, scalable fuel cell production.


R2R-CCM ( 2022-2024, FK: EFO 0121A): Development of scalable processes for dispersion, application and transfer of electrode pastes in the roll-to-roll decal process for the production of PEM fuel cells CCMs.


FCPP (BMWK 2021-2025, FK: 03EN5013D): Fuel Cell Performance Production - Production of CCM in a continuous process using an innovative primotype coating unit.

Completed projects


SILMEM (ZIM 2020-2023, FK: ZF4139107ZG9): Development of novel fibre-reinforced silicone-based membranes and membrane electrode assemblies for PEM fuel cells.


SELYSIS (ZIM 2019-2021, FK: ZF4139106ZG9): Development and realisation of a process for the production of physically stable and chemically resistant special seals for use in PEM electrolysis applications.


KatPol (ZIM 2018-2021, FK: ZF4139105ZG7): Development of novel highly gas-permeable proton-conducting polymers for catalyst layers of PEM fuel cells.


ColdMEA (EFRE NRW 2017-2020, FK: EFRA-0800872): Development of a cost-effective, rollable and directly processable high-performance CCM with edge reinforcement.


UV-Endlos (Zwanzig20-Advanced UV for Life 2017-2020, FK:03ZZ0133A): UV curing of continuous materials in the fields of printing and coating and the production of lightweight core materials.


CompoTrenn (ZIM 2017-2019; FK: ZF4139104AG6): Development of a silicone-free release coating for prepreg and composite production.


ChitoCoat (KMU-innovativ 2014-2016, FK:02PK2427): UV curing of continuous materials in the fields of printing and coating and the production of lightweight core materials.


SilfoSeal (ZIM 2014-2016, FK: KF2739604ZG3): Development of sealing systems suitable for mass production for PEM fuel cells, based on siliconised plastic films.


Do you have a project idea, are you looking for a project partner and need experts in the field of coating technology and fuel cell components?

Then contact us. We are always interested in new cooperation and fields of application.

Dr. Sebastian Kohsakowski
+49 (0)2151 74 99 551

