Whistleblower Program

Whistleblower Program

Welcome to Laufenberg Whistleblower Program.

Laufenberg GmbH attaches great importance to transparency, integrity and ethical behavior. In order to promote a responsible corporate culture, we have set up a whistleblower reporting office.

What can be reported?

This whistleblower reporting office is aimed at all employees of Laufenberg GmbH as well as all persons who have obtained information about grievances or legal violations in their professional environment with Laufenberg GmbH. Here you have the opportunity to report all potential violations of laws or internal regulations in connection with Laufenberg GmbH, including issues such as corruption, fraud, violation of employee protection rights and environmental protection violations.

The Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) provides for the reporting of the following information:

1. violations that are punishable by law,

2. violations that are subject to a fine if the violated regulation serves to protect life, limb or health or to protect the rights of employees or their representative bodies,

3. other violations of the provisions of § 2 no. 3 HinSchG as well as directly applicable legal acts of the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community.

Registration categories:

  • Corruption / bribery / corruptibility
  • Fraud / embezzlement / grand theft / embezzlement / falsification of documents
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Violation of tax or customs regulations
  • Antitrust or competition violations
  • Infringement of trade secrets
  • Violation of data protection regulations
  • Money laundering / terrorist financing
  • Environmental damage
  • Human rights
  • Sanctions and embargo violations
  • Violation of binding product-related obligations (technical compliance)

Violation of the Laufenberg GmbH Code of Conduct or Supplier Code of Conduct / other compliance-relevant information

How does the registration office work?

Our whistleblower reporting center allows you to share your concerns and information confidentially and, if you wish, anonymously. We understand that it is important for whistleblowers to protect their identity in order to avoid any potential impact on their professional situation or other personal circumstances. The confidentiality of the persons involved and the report itself, as well as data protection, is ensured for every contact. All employees of the complaints office are bound to secrecy and work impartially and impartially. The whistleblowing office is ISO 27001 & GDPR compliant.

What happens after the message is received?

Please make a note of your ticket ID and password, which are generated or defined as part of the notification, so that you can make additions and/or check the processing status.

Here you will find all contact options at a glance.


Please use our electronic whistleblowing system. By clicking on the link, you will be forwarded to our external service provider. Durch Anklicken des Links erfolgt die Weiterleitung an unseren externen Dienstleister.

Click here to go to our online Whistleblower portal.

By phone

Ralf Wermelskirchen (Data Protection Officer Laufenberg GmbH)
+49 173 7499882

+49 173 7499882


Ralf Wermelskirchen (Data Protection Officer Laufenberg GmbH)
Keyword: Whistleblower Program
47839 Krefeld – Germany

Keyword: Whistleblower office


47839 Krefeld

Thank you for your trust in our whistleblower reporting office!

*The whistleblower office was implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG). The German Whistleblower Protection Act was finally passed on May 12, 2023 and comes into force on July 2, 2023. It obliges companies with more than 50 or 250 employees to implement internal reporting offices and prohibits any reprisals or retaliation against whistleblowers.

Your contact person

Ralf Wermelskirchen

Integrated management system

Information security and data protection officer Laufenberg GmbH