From the job interview to induction (Alessio)

Hi, I’m Alessio and at the beginning of September 2023 I started my training as an industrial clerk here at Laufenberg. These are my first experiences:

After several years in system catering, I had wanted to switch to a commercial role for some time. I heard about Laufenberg thanks to an acquaintance and only heard positive things, so I decided to apply. After I was invited to the interview, I spent most of my time clicking through the website and reading up. The conversation had a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere and lasted around 30 minutes. At the end there was a small math test. I received the acceptance by e-mail about 1 week after the interview.

[graue_box]The first weeks as an apprentice at Laufenberg[/graue_box]
On the first working day, all organizational and safety-related points for future work in the company were clarified. We were guided through various departments and introduced to everyone. I have been very well received by the people I have met so far. In the first week, we went through the equipment and production. All the different work steps, machines etc. in these departments were shown and explained. We exchanged ideas with the employees. The products we work with and where they are used by customers were explained in detail and the raw materials themselves were shown in general. In addition, the entire company premises were inspected. My first experience in a permanent department was in quality assurance.

[graue_box]That’s why I decided to train as an industrial clerk[/graue_box]
Training as an industrial clerk gives you the opportunity to work in all the different departments of a company. Be it in the economic or organizational area.
Laufenberg not only made a good and nice impression on the website, but also in the interview. I have heard and read a lot of positive things about the company.

Welcome & thanks for the report, Alessio!